Being everything for someone or multiple people can sometimes feel like being the nothing for yourself. Do you know someone who is empty and abuses the meaning of love is selfless and the meaning of love is not selfish? They stretch it to mean you will also have to make up for all the areas they have failed to do the work in. You may notice that this person is always unhappy no matter what you do. They seem unfulfilled and always left wanting more. Is it you?
So see, when you are alone sometime, ask yourself - who am I? What makes me happy? What about myself am I unhappy about? Answer the questions relative to you - not anyone else. Then establish an action you can take to address your area of unhappiness. You may need to write several actions for more than one area. For example: I am a beautiful, confident, intelligent, and determined woman. I am happy when I take walks. I am not happy when I don't take a little time for myself. I will schedule time outs for myself for at least one hour per week. Put yourself in the driver's seat. You could have said - I am a wonderful wife and mother. I am happy when I spend time with my husband. I am not happy when my coworker tries to boss me around. I will find a new job. But that's too relative. Take control back and do the work. No one can replace the lack of self love. |
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.