When we say everything is possible, that means that both evil and good are indeed possible. Some people view their evil acts as a path to good. I bring this up in context of trying to explain the violence and the racism that has been highlighted recently but that has always existed throughout the world. We struggle to explain it. We also cannot explain atrocities such as the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.
What we can do is focus on individuals. We can focus on ourselves and rather than looking outward, we can look inward to ask a few simple questions. Have I evolved? Have I learned? Why must we divide our species like this? What is the cost to humanity of my thoughts and subsequent actions? Eliezer Wiesel says we must always think higher and feel deeper. Where have your thoughts gone today - where do your thoughts go as you live? What do you do? The key is to simplify your thoughts and actions to small kind acts. Don't allow complicating thoughts to confuse you. You have a responsibility to simplistically act in manners that increase human survivability. Start by simply saying or acting like you care. The moments I look back on the most (with regret) are the moments where I communicated to someone that I simply did not care. And in that moment surely they thought, does someone care? Does anyone care? The thought that you don't matter can lead you to think that you are invisible and your memory is non-existent to others. With the recent violent events in the news, one might notice that death has become a business for news agencies. Death is sensational and everyone wants to have an answer, but what questions do recent events present YOU with? What do you ask yourself about yourself? Do you listen to the experiences of both sides? Do you watch the experiences of both sides? What do you choose to become a witness to? What do you claim as your answer? Do you engage in open discussion about the blatant indifference to anyone? Are you indifferent to others in your day to day experiences? Are you indifferent to anyone - the drug user, the felon, the poor? Human beings matter and we all bear witness to the experience of the human being. We can all be a little less demanding and a little more caring. Every moment is the beginning of something and we can choose in each moment to be a part of something good. We can think higher and feel deeper. |
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.