I (Bhakti Devi Beloved) have three siblings born as Bloom Beloved, Dear Beloved (called Priyah), Draupadi Devi Beloved, Here is how our names came to be.
My eldest sister Bloom was born on a day when wild flowers were blooming in profusion in Northern Minnesota, and at a time when Sir Paul Castagna and my father were intensely focused on going to higher dimensions in meditation, making books, doing art and making musical instruments. My brother Priyah was born at a time when our dad was reading Bhagavad Gita and noticed the word priya (priyo) in reference to Arjuna. Translated into English that word means dear. Here is the Gita verse: मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी माांनमस्कुरु । मामवेष्यै सि ित्यांते प्रसतजानेसप्रयोऽसि मे॥१८.६५॥ manmanā bhava madbhakto madyājī māṁ namaskuru māmevaiṣyasi satyaṁ te pratijāne priyo'si me (18.65) manmanā — be mindful of me; bhava — be; madbhakto = madbhaktaḥ — be devoted to me; madyājī — sacrifice to Me; māṁ — to me; namaskuru — do bow; mām — to me; evaiṣyasi — eva — in this way + eṣyasi — you will come: satyaṁ — in truth; te — to you; pratijāne — I promise; priyo — priyaḥ— dear; 'si — asi — you are ; me — of me Be mindful of Me, be devoted to Me. Sacrifice to Me. Do bow to Me. In this way you will in truth come to Me. I promise for you are dear to Me. (18.65) I was born at the time when my dad was making a detailed study of a book on devotion which was written by Bhaktivedanta Swami. This book is Nectar of Devotion. Therein there is a detailed lay out of examples of devotion to Krishna. Bhakti means devotion. He used the middle name Devi because of the Vedic method of naming girls using Devi as the middle name. Devi really means goddess. This name Devi was not granted to Bloom because at the time of her birth, my dad was not thinking of using any Sanskrit names. Just before the birth of my youngest sister Draupadi, a goddess appeared to my dad and asked him to name her Draupadi, after the person who was the wife of the five Pandavas. Just after this apparition, thinking of the difficulty of pronunciation for English speaking people, he decided not to use the name but he did not have any other name even though the name Rose came up mentally. On the day of her birth, the goddess again came back to my father and said that her name should be Draupadi in honor of Draupadi, the conjoint wife of the Pandavas. History of Draupadi is explained in the Mahabharata. He also had a flash of her past life and her dealings with males in her immediate past life and that convinced me to use the name. Draupadi is an adaptation from Drupada who was a king in the time of the Pandavas. Draupadi was the daughter of that king. |
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.