I was on a plane once during the evening and had the opportunity to see a beautiful sunset on takeoff. My first instinct when I see something I like or something that is beautiful is to grab my phone and take a picture. What are my children going to do with a picture of a sunset?
I am not sure there is a use for it, but nonetheless I look at a lot of life through the phone screen. I have over 10,000 cell phone photos on my computer. As I write this, I can hear you gasping. When I saw the sunset, I pulled up the phone and tried a few shots but I couldn’t get any that looked like what I was actually seeing. Then I had an ah-ha moment. I have recently been trying to learn ways to live in the present, and this was the perfect opportunity. Technology was causing me to miss the moment. The sunset was most beautiful through my own eyes and if I continued looking at it through my phone screen, I would miss out altogether. I put my phone down and chose to be fully present in that moment. I chose to live! I savored the sunset with my own two eyes. What opportunities have you had lately to live in the present? |
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.