How do we make sense of our hurt? Most people try to reason and make sense of why they are hurt. In the process, they create false stories about the intentions of others. The truth is that we can only understand from our level of perception which is unique to us and inherently false as a result. The basis of your understanding of your hurt can often be a falsehood. Then you may spread that falsehood causing further damage - this approach does not assist you in the process of moving on. The truth is that you do hurt. Don't make the truth be the story that you create from your perspective to make sense of your hurt. You cannot transfer the hurt to others by perpetuating the story. Trying to hurt someone will not fix the hurt you have within either. Learn to resolve hurt within yourself - be sustainable and recoverable. Shift your focus from the why you are hurting to what makes you feel grateful. Start with the smallest things...the easiest things...the sunshine, the smiles of others, the kindness of a stranger, etc.
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.