Realize and internalize that the definition of self never stops. Defining ourselves is a lifelong dynamic process. The more we know, the better we do. As we progress through life through various levels of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development, our sense of self will continue to be refined and matured.
Let’s walk through these levels of development/existence: PHYSICAL: Here, a person derives their sense of fulfillment and competency from positive physical achievements (i.e. sports, violence) but quickly realizes that someone who is stronger or an injury can take away this sense of fulfillment leaving one feeling weak. In college, I noticed that many athletes existed in this realm. MENTAL: Here, a person derives their sense of fulfillment and competency from successful use of their brain power but realizes over time that mental capacity can fade and smarter people can take away this sense of fulfillment leaving one feeling inadequate. We see this mental existence clearly when someone of great academic success suddenly loses their ability to be accomplished. EMOTIONAL: Here, a person derives their sense of fulfillment and competency from the love and emotional support of others, but this too can be taken away at a moment’s notice. During a breakup or in loss, we can see how much someone is defined by the emotional support of another human being. It is the prolonged reliance upon this that can be limiting. SPIRITUAL: Here, a person recognizes that personal fulfillment is realized through freedom from the world. This is sometimes referred to as enlightenment. We realize the true self does not require rationalization or justification. When you reach this stage, the natural attributes of your authentic and true self manifest in your daily experience. Many people associate spirituality with a particular religion but when you can exist through experiences that demonstrate your authentic and true self, I think you are living a spiritually charged life. It is this kind of life that transcends age and accomplishment. When you live a spiritual life, you live freely. |
Ms. Bhakti MaryI am an optimistic, positive, generous and driven author who is passionate about self-improvement. The essence of who you are does not lie in the past. What matters is what you are willing to do NOW. You are the presence.